Wednesday, 29 April 2009

PWE online student musings

Well, I think I'm in the right place - I'll know I'm blagging instead of blogging when Tracey asks why I haven't done the blog, and being virtually confused is a better excuse than the dog ate my homework.  

Anyway, I'm Nikki, the Fiction Elements Online creator of dirty skateboarders, whinging trailer trash and Charlize Theron stalkers.   I'm what VU politely refers to as a mature-age student (how nice).   I have finally given in to the need to do something connected to my writing, even though it may not lead to the unimaginable riches and worldwide fame my ex-husband hoped for (I appreciate his belief in my talent tho'). I have not been in a classroom since the invention of the internet, mobile technology and when handing in your assignments actually required a hand.

I am loving the experience! I also do two actual classes as well as the one virtual class and find both are distinctly different but equally enjoyable. I realised that in order for this to work for me I had to submit to the process. This means that when I am asked to think, or write or discuss or read, then that's what I have to do.

I must say there is enough to complete online that sometimes I am tempted to take a day off work but I intend to finish the diploma without losing my job so my weekends now are all about keeping on top of my homework.

I like the opportunity to post my work without the face-to-face scrutiny of others regarding my work. There is such insecurity inherent in creating, in any artform, that I appreciate I can avoid any reactions that may be so-so or ho-hum and which would distract me from writing my words (although I must confess to reading my pieces out loud to my mum - nothing like a sympathetic audience!). 

This, however, is a double-edged sword. The thing that I do miss very much is the feedback about my work - and before I offend my teacher, Tracey, I mean the phatic communion that sometimes follows the sharing of a piece of writing: the smiles, nods and grimaces that immediately shows you others have the got the point you tried to make. I hadn't counted on missing that part of the classroom experience.

The other big upside for me studying online is the obvious - writing in my pyjamas (sorry about the mental picture folks). It's wonderful that I can pour the act of writing into the gaps and spaces in my day that used to be filled with TV, chatter and inconsequential stuff.

So it's a big YES from me for online fiction elements and I'm really looking forward to reading everyone else's posts. 

Please note that I have tried to post the classic middle-aged authoress photo with the hand on the chin to look studious and writerly and hide all the other chins. Honestly - check out lady authors, everyone does it except Jackie Collins! (long live plastic surgery)


1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Nikki! Yes, it's great to be able to beaver away at any time of the day, isn't it? I'll sometimes come on at midnight and do my responses. Can't do that in a face-to-face classroom -- not unless I give my Editing class detention!



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