Tuesday 12 May 2009

My Writing Process

Well it definitely isn’t structured. I don’t have a particular time that I write every day. I know when I don’t sit at the computer; that’s when the sun is out and it is a glorious day. Off I go to the beach or Melissa’s in Altona. Sitting outside with a pot of green tea and a spanacopita gets the creative juices flowing for me. I scribble away in a notebook on my current project. It is also a great place for observing people and getting ideas for characters.

But, alas, I must get down to writing at some point. Rainy days and early evenings are good for me. I suppose I work on plot, story line, character development and increasing tension, but I think a lot of that happens in my head when I let the characters take over. I enjoy a good yarn and hopefully that’s what I write. Writing should be fun and not a chore; so I don’t get too serious about it. There are other things in my life that are more important, like remembering to take my medication and not leaving the house in my pyjamas!

You can find me tapping away at the keyboard when there are dishes to be done, floors to be vacuumed or it is one of those “ We need to talk” times. I get a pained expression on my face and mutter, “Not now, I’m on a roll.”

I hope that helps.

Hugh Deacon

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Hugh. Funny you should mention the vacuuming etc -- lots of people use the household chores as a way to procrastinate. Good to see you're *not* doing that! (You need to explain to my mother why that's a good thing.)

    And, yes, I'm glad you've remembered not to come to class in your pyjamas. That privilege is strictly reserved for the online students. I believe Sherryl has one that always works in his PJs!



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